
Resource Center

性视界传媒produces a wide variety of publications, online courses, videos, brochures and newsletters presenting in-depth information and best practice techniques that contribute to the body of nursing knowledge.

Knowledge Network
  • NCLEX Examinations Webinar Series: 2022 Webinar: Psychometrics - How to Run Reports in Pearson VUE BI Reporting Platform 

    This webinar will show you how to run exam dynamic reports in Pearson VUE’s Business Intelligence (BI) reporting platform. NCSBN’s psychometric staff will introduce Candidate Reports, Program Reports and Quarterly Reports. More specifically, the differences between those reports will be explained. After this webinar, you will be able to run the reports that meet your needs, and subscribe to reports so the system will automatically generate and email the reports to schools.

    2022  | Recorded Webinar

  • Item Development Flyer - The NCLEX and REx-PN Depend On You!

    性视界传媒depends on nurses to assist in the NCLEX and REx-PN item development process.

    2022  | Publications

  • In Focus 2022, Vol. 1

    • The Evolutionary Road to the Next Generation NCLEX -- An Interview with Phil Dickison
    • Assessing Substance Use Disorder Monitoring Program Guidelines -- 性视界传媒Research Department Seeks Boards of Nursing to Participate in Pilot
    • The Growth of Interstate Compacts
    • Conference Prepares Canadian Educators for Launch of New Exam

    2022  | Magazines

  • NLC for Military Spouses

    January 25, 2022

    2022  | Recorded Webinar

  • Thoughts on Leadership Succession 

    Leadership Succession Committee (LSC) member, Joe Baker, Jr., discusses leadership opportunities at 性视界传媒and how participation has benefited him personally and professionally.

    2022  | Video

  • Nursys Enhancements for NLC 

    January 12, 2022

    2022  | Recorded Webinar

  • 2021 性视界传媒Annual Report

    This annual report functions as a formal summary of NCSBN’s performance and activities during fiscal year 2021. This includes 性视界传媒membership achievements, financial and business information including operating statements and listings of the Board of Directors, committees and staff that follows NCSBN’s fiscal year spanning Oct. 1, 2020 to Sept. 30, 2021.

    2021  | Publications

  • NLC Legislative Update: November 2021

    November 30, 2021

    2021  | Recorded Webinar

  • REx-PN Test Security and Accommodations

    性视界传媒ensures the fair and secure delivery of the REx-PN by administering the exam under strict supervision and security measures. The first part of this session will highlight the security measures 性视界传媒has in place for the REx-PN, including incidents that occur at testing centers as well as our confidentiality agreement with students. During the second part of this session, you will learn about the testing accommodation process, including the roles of the candidate, NCSBN, Pearson Vue and nursing regulatory bodies.

    2021  | Event Presentation

  • Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT)

    The REx-PN uses CAT and psychometric theory coupled with computer-driven administration to produce a psychometrically sound, standardized exam for measuring the minimal competency required to practice safe, entry-level nursing. 

    2021  | Event Presentation

  • The REx-PN Item Development Process

    Ever wonder how REx-PN items are developed? This session will explain the processes and steps every REx-PN item goes through before it can be used on the REx-PN. Opportunities for educator involvement will also be highlighted. 

    2021  | Event Presentation

  • REx-PN Conference Q&A Session 1

    2021  | Event Presentation