
Resource Center

性视界传媒produces a wide variety of publications, online courses, videos, brochures and newsletters presenting in-depth information and best practice techniques that contribute to the body of nursing knowledge.

Knowledge Network
  • Nurse Practice Act Toolkit

    All states and territories legislated a nurse practice act (NPA) which establishes a board of nursing (BON) with the authority to develop administrative rules or regulations to clarify or make the law more specific. Rules and regulations must be consistent with the NPA and cannot go beyond it. These rules and regulations undergo a process of public review before enactment. Once enacted, rules and regulations have the full force and effect of law.

    2022  | Toolkit

  • North Carolina Dental Guidance Toolkit 

    In 2015, the Supreme Court issued a decision in North Carolina State Board of Dental Examiners v. Federal Trade Commission that re-examined the State Action Doctrine and its relationship to state regulatory boards. Following the decision, various national and state lawmakers, stakeholder groups, and regulatory boards took actions that may impact boards of nursing. In an effort to educate and inform boards of nursing about the court鈥檚 decision, resulting actions, and ongoing discussions, NCSBN鈥檚 NC Dental Toolkit has been created. Please use this toolkit to reach these materials.

    2022  | Toolkit

  • Innovations in Nursing Education

    性视界传媒has adopted the nursing regulatory body model rules for fostering innovation in nursing education. The toolkit below provides links to these model rules and also describes regulatory influences on innovation, myths and realities about regulatory barriers, recommendations for boards of nursing.

    2022  | Toolkit

  • NLC Toolkit

    Build your knowledge about NLC and key topics necessary to successfully implement NLC in your board. Learning Objectives 1. Explain how the Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC) benefits patients, nurses and boards of nursing (BON). 2. Explain the key aspects of the NLC and multistate licensure. 3. Describe the Interstate Commission and its role in administering the NLC.

    2022  | Toolkit

  • APRN Consensus Model Toolkit

    性视界传媒has developed numerous resources to help boards of nursing and legislators adopt requirements outlined in the Consensus Model for APRN Regulation. By adopting the model requirements your state can ensure uniformity in licensure, accreditation, certification, and education to facilitate the regulation of safe and competent advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) in every state.

    2022  | Toolkit

  • Final Q&A and Closing 

    2022  | Event Presentation

  • Next Generation NCLEX (NGN): Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT) and Stopping Rules 

    During this session, 性视界传媒staff will highlight principal elements of Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT) for the NGN. Staff will explain the test design and illustrate how the CAT works. Some examples will also be used to demonstrate the NGN CAT. 

    2022  | Event Presentation

  • NCLEX Candidate Registration Process 

    On-demand Presentation

    2022  | Event Presentation

  • Next Generation NCLEX (NGN): Applications to Educational Settings 

    On Demand Presentation

    2022  | Event Presentation

  • Next Generation NCLEX (NGN) Test Design 

    On Demand Presentation

    2022  | Event Presentation

  • Sensitivity and Differential Item Functioning (DIF) 

    On Demand Presentation

    2022  | Event Presentation

  • The NCLEX Item Development Process 

    On Demand Presentation

    2022  | Event Presentation