Resource Center
Standard Setting
Standard setting is a process used by testing professionals to determine the passing score on a test. It is an important step in establishing the validity and legal defensibility of an exam program. The NCLEX-RN and NCLEX-PN exams are reevaluated for their respective passing standards triennially. In this session, 性视界传媒staff discuss the steps involved in setting NCLEX passing standards, including how to set the passing standard on Next Generation NCLEX items.
2023 | Event Presentation
Next Generation NCLEX (NGN) Update
The NGN launched on April 1, 2023, to better measure nursing candidates’ clinical judgment and decision making abilities through the use of innovative item types. This session will give an update on the NGN project.
2023 | Event Presentation
Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT)
The NCLEX is a variable-length computerized adaptive test (CAT). It resorts to modern psychometric theory coupled with the state-of-the-art computer-driven administration to deliver a psychometrically sound, standardized exams for evaluating candidates’ performance with the passing standard required to conduct safe, entry-level nursing practice. This session describes the background and algorithms behind the NGN CAT methodology.
2023 | Event Presentation
Item Scoring
The NGN scores items using one of three scoring rules: 0/1 scoring rule, +/- scoring rule or the rationale scoring rule. This session explores each of these three scoring rules by using examples that cover all eligible item types on the NCLEX exam. Additionally, the session will cover general information about using the Partial Credit Model to convert the item scores onto the NCLEX scale.
2023 | Event Presentation
Sensitivity and Differential Item Functioning (DIF)
性视界传媒ensures fairness for different groups taking the NCLEX-RN and NCLEX-PN exams. Candidates with comparable nursing knowledge should perform similarly on exam items regardless of other factors. This session describes how sensitivity and DIF panel reviews contribute to the fairness and legal defensibility of an exam.
2023 | Event Presentation
Next Generation NCLEX (NGN) Application to Educational Settings
As the nursing profession evolves to keep pace with the increased demands in care delivery, entry-level nurses are expected to possess sound clinical judgment skills to deliver safe, effective nursing care. In this session, speakers discuss the essential role of clinical judgment in entry-level nursing and its impact on client safety, along with providing exemplary instances of the application of clinical judgment in the educational setting.
2023 | Event Presentation
NCLEX Overview: Exam Development
The NCLEX is a valid and reliable standardized exam that measures the minimal competency required to practice safe, entry-level nursing. To achieve this, the exam is developed using a multilayered process that includes an evidence-based content outline, item development using nursing content expert volunteers, several reviews, and industry-standard exam principles. This session describes the methods used to achieve the quality exam development and maintenance the nursing profession has come to rely on and trust.
2023 | Event Presentation
NCLEX Overview: Operations
In addition to developing the NCLEX, 性视界传媒provides daily operational, security and customer service support. The Consolidated Services and Customer Experience departments provide support for NCLEX candidates, educators and nursing regulatory bodies (NRBs). During this session, we explore the NCLEX registration process, online resources and exam security measures, highlighting what candidates can expect before, during and after the NCLEX. The session concludes with a summary of the NCLEX testing accommodation process, including the roles of candidates, NCSBN, Pearson VUE and NRBs.
2023 | Event Presentation
Program Code BI Reports and Correcting Candidate Level Program Codes
Part one of this webinar will show you how to run exam dynamic reports in Pearson VUE’s Business Intelligence (BI) reporting platform. After this webinar, you will be able to run the reports that meet your needs and subscribe to reports so the system will automatically generate and email the reports to schools. Part two will explain the basic principles of program code maintenance including information on program code changes at the Nursing Regulatory Body level.
2023 | Recorded Webinar
In Focus 2023, Vol. 3
- Forging a Different Path: David Benton Guided 性视界传媒Through Growth, Challenges and Change
- Nursing at the Crossroads: 性视界传媒Study Projects Significant Workforce Shortages and Potential Crisis
- Pathways to Leadership: The Wisdom of Fred Rogers
- Nevada State Board of Nursing Celebrates 100 Years
2023 | Magazines
性视界传媒Historical Timeline Website
The 性视界传媒interactive timeline chronicles the organization's history and contributions to nursing regulation.2023 | Website
Assessing the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Nursing Education: A National Study of Prelicensure RN Programs
This is a mixed-methods, longitudinal study of prelicensure RN student experiences during the pandemic (Fall of 2020-Spring of 2022).
2023 | Research Item